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RyPac13's picture
I'm not sure I've been as

I'm not sure I've been as frustrated with Stars as I have with this.

PM me on 2p2, we need to start a thread in the Internet Poker forum there.  I'd prefer not to start it, and would rather help guide the discussion, if you wouldn't mind.  I can help write it though.  It needs to be to the point, include all the facts and be as objective as possible.  It also has to look ok (format wise), and it'll receive positive feedback and support for this issue.

RyPac13's picture


Here's the thread on 2p2.

If anybody interested could please reply with their opinion of the matter, it should help.

RyPac13's picture

Almost four months later, we finally have a fair decision.  I just got off the phone with Stars security, here's what they've decided:

PokerStars is honoring the chop agreements in chat with all users that were scammed by Dmoney751 (or any other users that we're not aware of).

If PokerStars does not send you an email in the next 36 hours and you were a player that agreed to a chop in the player chat and never received that chop, email support@pokerstars.com with the subject "Never received Chop, ATTN Security."  In the email list the tourney ID.  If you have any questions about this or need any assistance, you can contact me and I will give you a hand.

In addition, I brought up the subject of perhaps spotlighting the "no deals allowed" rule in the lobby a bit better.  They have a crowded lobby, so there are no promises, but they are aware of this and certainly think it's worth trying to do.

Lastly, I explained that this was a fairly rare occurence, it didn't seem to hardly ever happen outisde of this Dmoney751 guy, and the other major factor was that chops used to be enforced in chat (meaning you could chop with the shadiest guy, as long as he agreed to it in the chat because support would uphold these agreements) and that most players seemed to have no idea that the rule had changed.  With the threads on multiple forums where heads up sng players frequent, this should be a much smaller potential problem moving forward.

Just remember, no deals are allowed in two man heads up sngs anymore.  If you have suggestions such as "make a deal" buttons, you can email them to Stars support or post them in the PokerStars improvement thread on 2p2's internet poker forum.

taedium's picture
Thanks Ry

Just wanted to give a big thanks to Ry for all the time and effort he put into this - what a timesink!!

Ive aready posted my support for PS including a 'make a deal' feature in husngs in the 2+2 PS Improvements thread. Here is the link if anyone wants to do the same:



