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mink21original's picture
worst downswing ever probably? Ryan i need ur opinion if it can happen to anybody and how to cope with it !

I am a reg at 30 dollars hu turbo sng.I ve played about 4k matches at this level and 15 dollar level and my most common downswing was about 10-15 buy ins most in a span of 200-300 games give or take.Now i experience something beyond belief the last 10 days.Over a span of 1k matches at 30s i am minus 30 buy ins(I can honestly tell that only 5 matches were lost due to tilt, no more).Has anyone decent at these stakes or whatever stake else experience this type of downswing? My only hope is when i ll get out of this nightmare i ll get a real grasp of what variance is and according to the law of chances it wont occur again.Please guys i need feedback if anyone has experienced such bad results... PS: i have about 40 buy ins now in my account due to cash outs for the 30s level.Should i keep playin there os move down?

Marzipannase's picture
I played 10.000 HUSNG up to

I played 10.000 HUSNG up to $30s with a ROI between 9%-13% and never had a bigger downswing than 15BI. In my last 1500 HUSNGs (no hypers) I had a 40 BI, a 30 BI and now a 22 BI downswing (but I am still up in these 1500 games). HUSNGs and variance can be brutal. One day you will run worse than you could ever imagined.


RyPac13's picture
If you truly believe you only

If you truly believe you only lost 5 buyins due to tilt, it sounds like 40 buyins is about OK.I'd recommend dropping down a level though, every instance where people say they've only tilted 5 buyins while experiencing some of the worst variance they've ever experienced long term there's usually a little more at play there and it's really difficult to self analyze in these situations.Worst case you lose a little expectation for a few hundred games as you win at the lower level, but then you're right back up in the $30s.  Just make sure you don't wait until you have 200 buyins for the $30s or anything extreme.I'm also not discounting variance, I actually think it's incredibly likely you've ran bad over this sample.  It's just that running that bad usually has a mental impact on a player, even top players with 100s of thousands in profit.