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kingkong's picture
Superturbos 20-50$: How to play A2-A6, 22,33,44 with full stacks from the button

Hi,how should I play the hands A2-A6, 22,33,44 from the button if I would not call a 3 bet shove with these hands against the opponent. Should I raise/fold or limp? Generally I prefer limping with hands, which are a bit too bad for calling a 3 bet, but such hands don’t flop well. Should I distinguish between suited and ofsuited aces?

RyPac13's picture
If you're not calling a shove

If you're not calling a shove with these hands then your opponent is pretty tight and you just open raise every single button and it should be a pretty profitable overall strategy.Limping these hands vs somebody just because they 3bet a stronger (and tighter) range than these hands isn't necessarily correct, especially if they're folding a lot OOP (even if they aren't, it means they're calling a lot, so I'd still likely raise them, especially the A2-A6 and 44).