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Slatey's picture
Small 4bets vs rring all in with 30+bb's

For the $57's and lower i'm curious what players think max EV is when getting cr'd to your cbet hitting tp good kicker vs small winning to major fish. Is it better to simply shove or get into a 4 then 5 then 6 betting dynamic to get it in and induce shoves for draws and weaker tp's? I realize everything is player related so tried to define the category as major fish to small winning players. 

Slatey's picture

I shouldve said more like 40+bb situations. 

RyPac13's picture
Reraising to a large enough

Reraising to a large enough size to where you don't have a lot of unknowns on the turn (should I call or fold on x card if they shove?  what size is best to bet on the turn if they flat my reraise? etc.).  That's usually best in my experience, it's less than a shove, but it's not a click it back type size either.Now, this obviously can change with even the slightest bit of information (my opponent has been spazzy in a few spots reads would lead to more smaller reraises to induce rebluffs often), it can also change based on the texture of the board (AA on K82 rainbow for example, no turn card is going to qualify for the "i don't know what to do" issue in any major way).But since this is a very general question, the best answer I would give would be the first paragraph here.

Slatey's picture

Thx Ryan,I've found that esp. early on in game and esp in an aggro match max EV has been a shove rather than a 4bet. 4 bets seem to scream strength typically unless dynamics indicate otherwise. B/e to fish always seem to call and never fold tp weak k. Sometimes you run into 2 pair but for the most part if you 4bet and he shoves your getting it in anyways. I def. agree that more info is better, but naturally if it is 40+bb it is early in match with sometimes little reads available and generatlizations need to take over.