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Resources to learn to play MTT

Now that im grinding Spin and go and doing well, I get a lot of FPP and Im thinking that using it for MTT tickets is the most profitable way to use those FPP (Im wrong?)

The problem is, in my whole life, i played no more than 50 MTT if at all. I would go to look for resources of the quality of HUSNG pack. Anyone here can recommend such thing?

My guess is that using all i learned I should be a winner at 20-30 dollars MTT in pokerstars just for understanding how to play 1v1 postflop and how to play on late positions and blinds. But  I would like at least to get something at the level and kind of crushing hypers from ZZZtilt and PHL which I liked a lot and helped improve my game considerably. I wandered other sites, but the information quality seems dubious and with so many options I do not know what to choose.