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DntCaltACmBk's picture
Questions about 4-man team play

Is it legal for two team members, when in round 1 together, to force it so that the better of the two players advances to the next round?

Can the team mates send each other their cuts over Pokerstars?

I've seen Stars address this matter many times saying that it is not an illegal thing to do, but I'm wondering if there are mistakes that could be made that could make it illegal.

RyPac13's picture
On Stars it is OK to do, but

On Stars it is OK to do, but you HAVE to send the money via player transfer after, you cannot chip dump or "rig" a game to chop the profits or whatever deal you have worked out.
FTP has said this is NOT ok in any way, so don't play 4 mans there with a partner.

PrimordialAA's picture
it is legal for players to

it is legal for players to play and chop their profits, but only flip when you play each other, DO NOT 'rig it' so one person wins and the other does not, this could get you in trouble

rumrumrumrum's picture
I don't understand what are

I don't understand what are the benefits of partnering 4mans. Can anybody explain this please?

PrimordialAA's picture
lower variance, and added

lower variance, and added action (at higher stakes finding more ways to get action will always be important)