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FreakOfNature's picture
Problem downloading

I can't seem to download the new Primo bonus video.

I click on the download link and the page just refreshes. Not sure if the problem is your end or mine - is everyone else getting it ok?

RyPac13's picture
Our end. Thanks, just fixed

Our end.
Thanks, just fixed it, forgot to add a / to the file extension.

FreakOfNature's picture
cool - got it - thx

cool - got it - thx

another_rack's picture
Thank God

I've been after you guys forever to expand your repetoire. Everyone knows that Hold 'Em is becoming obsolete, its good to see at least one training sight sees the writing on the wall and is branching out into the other games 

PrimordialAA's picture
lol, that's what I bring to

lol, that's what I bring to the business, i'm going to do my best to keep husng.com the front runner in ALL heads up material ;)