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DealThemMos's picture
Poker Software

Hey everyone. I just got a new computer and I'm looking to put some poker software on it. For anyone who doesn't know I've always used a mac so I haven't really looked too much into software. Anyways my new laptop is a Dell so all software is available.

I was wondering if anyone could throw out recommendations as to what software is helpful and worth a purchase. To be honest the only software I've really heard of is PT and Pokerstove. Thanks.

RyPac13's picture
Holdem Manager, Tourney

Holdem Manager, Tourney Manager (made by same people I think), those are two other good ones.

Popop replayer.

If all software were extinct tomorrow, I don't think I'd miss a second of sleep, but those are the ones I've used (as well as the two you mentioned) over the last few years.  I don't heavily use any of them except pokerstove though.