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butcher2610's picture
Please advise a video cource or some video or coach about HU less 15bb strategy

I mean using limping, limp-fold, limp-call, raise-fold, raise-call and so and postflop in all of this. 

Please don't advise e-book by merseneary beacause of i think it realy not good for beginners. there is no postflop, and there is no limp-call. 

And also there is no separate the situation by we chiplead, or have less chips then villian. 


You can do some advice not only free materials

coffeeyay's picture
Hi Butcher, Great question.

Hi Butcher,

Great question. Right now there's not a ton of up-to-date resources on that, there will be some really great stuff coming next year (I've got a comprehensive HU guide in the works). However, a few good places to look--Pbogz's pack is very solid for beginners and talks about limping and playing post a lot. Paul is a great guy who I've worked with extensively in the past so his pack will be a great resource for beginners. For more advanced material I'd recommend taking a look at the GTO in HUSNGs pack I made. It's set at 25bb, but because the near-gto pre-flop solution used  limps a ton at that stack depth the range and situations you face post will be very similar to the limped pots you'll face when 15bb. The pack discusses how to use GTO flop solutions to be able to make more money and there are 10 solutions for minraised pots but also 10 for limped pots. This should be a great resource towards approaching balanced play and finding ways to convert that understanding to more money at the tables.

Lastly, if you're interested in coaching I'd be happy to custom-tailor a course for you focused on understanding limping with an emphasis on post-flop play--ie constructing cbetting ranges on different textures, working on how to barrel later streets, and understanding how and when to use more advanced lines like delay cbet+ barrel, or bet flop, check turn, bet river.

Hope that helps!