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psymatic's picture
playing again extreem calling station

just played 2games agains a guy that calls everything really sick.. couldnt raise any button cause he always seems to call and call and call... at the end i win but he really made me go crazy..ok optimal strategy is raise ur guud hands but i diddnt get cards forit.. and even if it is a large bet he is keep on calling... what u do when u dont get cards and face this kindoff opponents...? 

Barrin's picture
What is a good hand for you?

What is a good hand for you?


psymatic's picture
a hand with some flop

a hand with some flop potentional suited 1-3 gappers..; i mean if u get full garbage and someone always call you down...

Barrin's picture
Simply fold the garbage. Even

Simply fold the garbage. Even if someone is calling you with any 2 cards, that means nothing but that he will also call you with strong hands.If you fold your hand you lose the BB you posted. If you raise a hand that you have on the flop in 80% of the cases anyways you only increase your loses which clearly is a mistake.


psymatic's picture
ye clear answer thx

ye clear answer thx

longjohn's picture
I think a good strategy is to

I think a good strategy is to fold out the very bottom of your range limp marginal hands and raise quite big with good hands. This guy is obviously not a thinking player so it doesn't matter that you are being unbalnced hes not thinking about your range anyway, you don't want to fold too many hands on the button as your getting such good odds to play and you obviously have the advantage of being in position.

H2Olga's picture
I would raise probably 70-80%

I would raise probably 70-80% still, but not cbet everything and try to determine wether hes just a station or also floats a lot, for this will determine your cbet and barrel ranges (think about how this works, too much work to explain:)). If hes not aggro def limp the bottom of your range, youre still getting the odds to limp 23o. Obviously you should just be valuebetting tons and you can go small in some spots, say you have bottom or 2nd pair but u think ur good just minbet it and watch him call with 8 hi just to see what you have.

chadalicious's picture
Value bet value bet value

Value bet value bet value bet. stick to you big hands and those that play well post flop such as suited connectors broadways ect.switch to min raising so you can see more flops if villain is passive.if he simply emplys a check call startegy dont ever bluff.semi bluffs with big draws are still good since it will build the pot for when you hit.I probably wouldnt barrel two streets with the draws all the time,i would be inclined to check back many turns and take free cards IP since he is going to pay off big river bets anyways. you dont always need a moster either...good 2nd pairs can be value bet against these types 3 streets. and when you do flop big....just bet big every street if he can never fold.there is no point in betting half pot if villain is wiling to call 80% or full pot,even over bets.