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spinky's picture
multi-tabling superturbos tips

Ok so I thought I would start this thread to gather info about tips for multitabling. What to keep extra attention to and what to note that is really worth looking for and what is not that vital. So we focus on the right kind of stuff.I found myself focusing to much on one table and not being able to give both matches enough attention. Like if one match is in endgame i find myself focusing much more on that table than a match where we have alot of bbs left. Mayby when starting out learning multi-tabling. You focus alot on one table and more and more learn to pick up information on the other table aswell? Is it better to open matches in sets or just opening them on the fly?At what point could we add another table (third table)? When we never time out on actions or is this just when u feel comfortable about it? Some insight from people here would be appreciated.3-4 tablers do you open new up on the fly or you run them in sets aswell? Mayby when u are in endgame where its alot of shove fold which is pretty straight forward we can open up a new table?Alot of questions... I'll continue my multitabling journey tonight and hopefully have some thing to share.

mateusz372's picture
Just keep 2tabling. As you

Just keep 2tabling. As you gain more experience, most of your decision will become more automatic, so you won't need to think much about your action.