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mrbambocha's picture
MrB motivational and warm up procedure (background picture)

Since ServerBTest002 shared his Efficiency spreadsheet here:: http://www.husng.com/content/efficiency-spreadsheet I thought I could as well share my motivational and warm up procedure.I have it as a desktop background and I go through it before the first session of the day.Its all based on questions since questions without answer creates fear / uncertainty.And by answering the questions I put my brain to work so I remember them better. The goal is to make it all unconscious competence, so I don't have to think why, I just know it,like I know its not +EV by much to call a push with 72o 75BB deep. It should sit at the back of my head.At every end of the week I go through them to see if there are any that I've learnt to unconscious competence,then I replace them with something else. (I have written all the answers in a word doc and printed it out and haveit by my side to check my answers. This takes about 15-20 minutes to complete and I find it extremely profitable.) I'll explain it from the left to the right.

  •     Who am I? Why do I play poker? (So I don't identify myself with poker)
  •     What can get into my way? What are the signs that I'm of track? (Then I answer how to get back on track)
  •     September goals (Reminder to keep myself on track and)
  •     Why do I tilt? (And then answer all these illusions)
  •     Then inspirational quotes for an extra boost of motivation

 I suggest that you make one of your own, one that fits you.( I've just translated everything to english roughly with google translator.)Ok, hope you enjoyed it and will have alot of use from it.I attached the psd file so you can edit it yourself in PS. Files ::http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0INKO5P3 Preview pictures ::http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/148/mrbambochasmotivational.jpg/ 

ServerBTest002's picture
Ehi mrbambocha, ty for

Ehi mrbambocha, ty for sharing this, I really like it ;)I also use something similar to you, but I written down onto paper. On my desktop I have other motivational pictures with any writings... because I found, that for me, works better.Anyway again thanks for sharing and I wish you the best ;)

RyPac13's picture
This post alone is worth

This post alone is worth putting $100 on you in the Viper HU challenge.Love your routine, how thought out it is and effective for you.

mrbambocha's picture
Ya I love it to. Poker has

Ya I love it to. Poker has given me many lessons in life.I've learnt that if your not diciplined with it its gonna f#ck up your life, either now or in the long run.So lately I've put alot of work into my life. Cant tell you how +EV it is and how good it makes you feel. The best thing you can do is to track your progress. Its the best teacher. So If I cheat with anything, there's a witness, you!I know I will fail over and over again, but I cant stand the pain of doing nothing about it, so in the end there's only one option.The pain is my motivation!  I might upload more of my stuff later on if there's any intress for it.Good luck on you all!