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themaninblack's picture
calling a shove deepstacked

hi, what hands do u guys call in the following situations: early, both players deepstacked, pretty much readlessopponent raises 3xi threebet to a little bit more than threetimes his raise with a decent hand (eg AJs, AQs - i don´t like to threebet KQ etc. that early)opponent shoves i am playing the 7$ reg speeds. sometimes i am up against AK, but normaly people shove here with 55-JJ, A2-AQ, T9s, 78s, T6s and even worse. atm i am calling here with A9s+ and ATo+. is it correct to call even lighter, and what hands do people shove in such situations in higher levels? greetingsthemaninblack 

nekrogovner's picture
I'd call shove with AQ+, JJ+.

I'd call shove with AQ+, JJ+. If i wanted to gamble I'd go play roulette or something.

RyPac13's picture
I like your ranges

I like your ranges ManinBlack, especially given what you're noticing in your games.Tough to say as you move up higher, things like "first hand" "is he a reg?" "is he tilted"  "is he a random fish?" really come into play, not to mention the site you're on, specific buyin, and what you've noticed yourself, along with what other regs have observed as first hand ranges in these spots.