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guillaumezur's picture
bb/100 for each hand in hem

hi guys for the moment i was using hem but i am pretty unhappy with iti saw that chadders was using PT3 in order to filter bb/100 for various hands in order to see if he was profitable to defend x or y in BB or to open another hand in SB,can anyone tell  me if i can do that too with hem ? ty in advance

RyPac13's picture
Missed this one from way back

Missed this one from way back ago, but for these types of questions, the HEM forums are a good place to check as well. It's fine to ask here too, since some husng players will have some solid experience with HEM and PT.In the future I'll either get more familiar with these programs and their in depth capabilities, or I'll find a regular player to answer these questions on the forums.