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4 tabling - unrealistic?

Hi all,I've just got back into the game and I just wanted some opinions of 4 tabling - i have my own theories but i wouldn't mind a few more opinions to help me work out how i'm going to rebuild my roll.I used to be a $20 reg moving up from the $2 games, then cashed out my roll for real life issues, after a 4 month break i'm back and my game is definitely rusty no questions but I believe solid enough to get me through to the 20s again. After a couple of days playing my roll is up to $160 from $50 by 4 tabling $2 and some $5 games, based on some of the absolutely insane things I have been seeing I am assuming this will remain a solid way to grind up to the $10s (although possibly at the cost of ROI).  At what stake do you feel 4 tabling becomes a significant disadvantage/unrealistic?  I find that with 4 tables I can establish the play style of an oponent but my notes are pretty non-existant when compared to 1-2 tabling (i think the extent of the notes on 4 tables is "doesnt give up on paired boards" or "shoves with ace/rage 40+BB deep").The only thing I will say for it is that with a basic knowledge of HU SNG already I find 1-2 tabling at such low stakes incredibly boring because a lot of the play is so standard, I hope that doesn't sound arrogant because i'm under no illusion i'm a totally average player, but I find very little deep thought about the game is required because 99% of players are sticking to the same patterns they set out in the first 15-20 hands.\So, back to my original question - at what stakes does 4 tabling become a bad idea and likely that other players will realise i'm doing this and exploit it by putting me in a ton of difficult spots?  Additionally, for getting back into the game and moving up would I be better placed 1-2 tabling and focusing on the game and trying to improve rather than just mindlessly grinding it out?  (I'm not sure how much I can learn from $2-$5 games anymore).Thanks :)