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$15 HU hypers vs $30 HU hypers

Hi everyone,

I'm playing the $15 hypers now working my way up to the 30's.......

Can anyone comment on the jump of level of difficulty from 15's to 30's? Is it much tougher? Has anyone noticed their EV ROI significantly dropping off?

I have not found the $15 hypers much tougher than the $7's so far, however I have noticed I run into the same people more often who are clearly on the grind, many of which are on the sharkscope leaderboard. However I have not found any of them to have particularly strong games, mainly playing super super standard. There are probably less crazy people at the 15's than the 7's also.

Word is the jump from 30's to 60's is insane and that's when you will start running into the 'cartels'. But I havn't heard much about 15's to 30's.