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dzikijohnny's picture
What HEM filters do you guys use to review with.

What are a couple of good combinations that I should be using to review my hands with? Example, I can't figure out how to filter for hands that I open limped in the small blind then called a steal from the bb. (Not that I do that a hell of a lot :) )

kingcobra's picture
Heh - I've never been able to

Heh - I've never been able to figure out the filters in HEM, the simple stuff works but whenever I try something more complicated than that it filters out everything.  As far as I know it doesn't consider that a steal, you can't get steal from BB in a HU game on the HUD, you need to look up raised limp in the preflop section of the active player window.  For reviewing stuff I use the good old fashioned way otherwise known as the replayer :) 

dzikijohnny's picture
Figured out how to filter for

Figured out how to filter for open limping and calling a raise from bb. Set position to sbPreflop actions to Call CallPFR = FalseVPIP = True   

kingcobra's picture
Call call you say, no wonder

Call call you say, no wonder I can't get these to work :)