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mersenneary's picture
Welcome new coach, HokieGreg!

Hi all,I've always enjoyed giving everybody bonuses you didn't expect, and I have another one for this month. HokieGreg will be joining the team in a supporting role. You'll be getting everything you usually get from me, plus Hokie demoing the program as a coach.He's interested in potentially continuing the program after I give up the main reins, with me around in a supporting role, going forward in future months. We'll see how July is for everyone.Welcome Hokie!

hokiegreg's picture
Thanks, Mers. Hey guys. I'm

Thanks, Mers.Hey guys. I'm really excited to be joining the FastTrack program this month.I've been browsing the forum over the past month, and have been really impressed by the content and the quality of the average post. I have a lot of experience coaching and I have always enjoyed it, but I especially enjoy helping dedicated players get the most out of themselves.At first, the idea of eventually filling in for Mers was a bit overwhelming. I'm going to be honest...I am not the theoretical wizard that he is. I'm not going to write cutting-edge theory articles using Pokerstove and HEM stats, backed up with math, math, and more math. Fortunately for us, he has already produced a ton of this kind of content and will continue to do so in the future. I believe it is important to know who you are. Recognize and maximize value from your strengths, and improve on your weaknesses. Over the past few years, I have improved dramatically in my understanding of theory and the math of poker, while things like adapting to opponents (exploitable play), the mental game of poker, self-improvement, dissecting ranges/hand analysis have always come easier for me. So basically what I am trying to say is this: I know who I am and I know who I am not. I am not Mers, I am HokieGreg. I adapt to my opponents really well. I have a healthy poker lifestyle and strong mental game, and can articulate my understanding of these topics very clearly. I am a positive person with a passion for self-improvement. Im good vs thinking players (my favorite thing to help students with). I have a creative poker mind that refuses to defer to the "standard line"...I love jumping into a thread on 2p2 that is 5 pages long and suggesting an answer that noone else has brought up, even if I'm playing devil's advocate just for the sake of it :). Lastly, I love how to get the most out of yourself as a poker player, you are forced to take an honest look at yourself as a person. Self-improvement as a poker player almost always has indirect positive impacts on your life, and vice versa."Professional poker player" is a very loose term. You can make your career whatever you want it to be. You can be the guy who sits on the couch all day, just barely making enough to get by. Or you can be the guy who maximizes his expectation in the game, makes life-changing money, and finds real happiness in life indirectly through a fucking card game. I'm the latter of the two. Who do you want to be?  

ServerBTest002's picture
Nice post Hokie, welcome

He's interested in potentially continuing the program after I give up the main reins, with me around in a supporting role, going forward in future months. We'll see how July is for everyone.Love it Btw, nice post Hokie, welcome aboard