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happy's picture
straight, flush draw with one OC on the flop , villian donks

[52/55]Blinds  20/40 2 players [But]+[SB] felson9 (1660) [BB] tglpoker (1340) felson9 2 J  felson9 raises to 80 tglpoker calls 40 ### FLOP ### 8 T 7 Pot: 160  tglpoker bets 160 felson9 ...  interested in the general line versus a random here, do we just flat or do we raise. and also how to proceede if it was a halfpot donk 

blueclcl's picture
As you have position then I

As you have position then I would flat call for both half pot and full pot bets and see another card and go from there.