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Short interview with Bryan 'PrimordialAA' Pellegrino about action in husngs after Spin and Go's

Bryan "PrimordialAA" Pellegrino

Twitter: @PrimordialAA

​In $500s division 

The Well: PrimordialAA -- Pooh-Bah Post on 2p2

Charles Hawk: Have you noticed any decrease in action in your limits after spin and goes were launched? Or is it pretty much the same?

Bryan 'PrimordialAA' Pellegrino: Well for me I haven't been playing as much as I have in the past, so most of my games I just try to find a shot taker to battle so I haven't seen how much the fish action has changed, that said from listening to other people + keeping an eye on lobbies it seems it hurt the action a ton early on and then has regressed to normal since then the last week or two. That said if I think they introduce higher stakes spin and gos at any point it will be VERY bad for HU SNG.

Charles Hawk: Seems that Amaya could do that easily in the future, at least up to $100 or so...

Bryan 'PrimordialAA' Pellegrino: Yup, agreed.

Charles Hawk: Sucks...

Bryan 'PrimordialAA' Pellegrino: Yea, I mean I think HU SNG will be fine long term, there is something about HU and the short nature of them that will continue to draw people, but the reg pool will be way too large for the fish left if that happens.

Bryan 'PrimordialAA' Pellegrino: So we'll see a lot of flux, where guys have to move to other games / etc.

Charkes Hawk: Maybe some weaker regs would transition to spin and goes? I have talked to a few respected players who think that spin and go variance is not bigger than mtt variance.

Bryan 'PrimordialAA' Pellegrino: Yea I mean there is def. money to be made in them, the field is so soft now because none of the regs moving in from MTTs/SNGs understand playing 3 handed with a winner take all structure, but rake will need to be lowered I imagine at some point as people catch up.

Charles Hawk: Thanks for your time!