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ServerBTest002's picture
Previous coaching vids

If I recall correctly, I read Mers agreed with sharing these vids... (he should confirm that, maybe I just understood wrong) ...If he's ok with this we can use this thread to post link to the vids...

mersenneary's picture
Sorry if there was any

Sorry if there was any confusion here - I meant that you'll get recordings from all of the sessions that were in your month. The only reason I don't share every video is that I don't want anybody in the sessions to feel uncomfortable thinking that 100 people might end up watching the session and laughing at their dumb questions or anything like that. So I want to keep it private to the community that they learned with over the course of the month.

ServerBTest002's picture
ah k, it's totally fine,

ah k, it's totally fine, infact I asked you because I thought I was wrong... k, obv you can delete this thread