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mersenneary's picture
June options for purchasing additional private coaching

Hi all,I have 16 hours of outstanding coaching that were previously booked, so I'm very wary about taking on too much extra coaching in June, wanting to make sure this forum continues to be a great resource and that I can have a really enjoyable working vacation here in Vegas. So, here's what I'm going to offer:1. Send me a 40 minute video of yourself playing. With commentary is best, but not required. I'll respond with a text document that lists my thoughts about all the interesting spots of the video. I'll also use your footage and make a HUSNG.com leakfinder video out of it. Cost: $150.2. One hour of live sweat. I'll be recording the session, and using the footage to make a HUSNG.com video (I'll likely re-record the audio, your voice won't be on it). Cost: $200. This has gone up since May, but I think it's justified based on reviews and demand, but as always, please decide whether this is right for you and your bankroll.Paypal is the only payment method I can accept. If you're interested in either of these options, let me know. If you previously booked time, you can schedule it over the next two weeks (if you'd like) here:https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0ArheGtnXQJ2MdHMzcnpBMi0tMmo1NDI...Please shoot me a skype message or an email (mers@husng.com) when you schedule it. If you're looking to book time, please contact me first. Additionally, I may need to re-schedule more often than usual, based on making day 2's of WSOP events, etc, so allow me some leeway there. I'll always give notice. mers

mersenneary's picture
If you would like to use your

If you would like to use your coaching component you already purchased on a 30 minute live sweat (instead of a 30 minute HH review or forming a group for a 1 hour session), you can also book that now using the calendar.Let me know if you have any questions.

ServerBTest002's picture
mmmm the 40 minutes video and

mmmm the 40 minutes video and the 1 hour live sweat are extra options right?I'd like to schedule the 30 minutes live sweat mut seems the spreasheet is showing only one week... can you check it please?

mersenneary's picture
There are two weeks showing,

There are two weeks showing, check the tabs at the bottom right.The 40 minutes and 1 hour are for extra purchase.

ServerBTest002's picture


mersenneary's picture
k, thanks.

k, thanks.

Andres_A's picture
i think i have to use the

i think i have to use the record a 40 min video option because all your available times are like exact my not available times or deep sleeping times. This is extra right ? Is it still available ? I still can have a HH review ( 30 min ) or live sweat with June fasttrack program ? If yes, then I again have to go for HH review, bc as sad as it is for me i can`t work anything out with your offered times, because i have live tournament tomorrow, camping-trip 20.-22., and your 10 am is my 3 AM ( sleeping ).

mersenneary's picture
HH review or video still

HH review or video still definitely works. If you'd strongly prefer on live sweat, talk to me, we should be able to work something out.