Fast Track Full Access Deadline Tuesday

January 28th, 2012 - The Mersenneary-HokieGreg FastTrack program deadline for full access applications is Tuesday, January 31st. You can find application information on the Fast Track Information Page. Do you have questions about the program? You can ask in the Fast Track Forum Thread.

Mersenneary started Fast Track Program in early 2011, as an intensive study group that allowed players to create a thread in a private forum and discuss any aspect of the game that they felt would help them improve. HokieGreg joined at the end of Summer 2011 and has now taken over the main role of the program as head coach. 2012's first session will begin February 15th and last until March 1st. Full access users will receive a thread for the duration of those two weeks and can ask HokieGreg questions in their thread, as well as read and comment in other threads.

There is also a read-only option for $150 (full access is $400), that allows users to view the private forum for the duration of the 2 week program, and until the next program begins (plans call for the 2nd session to start April 1st, but the date is not yet final). Full Access slots are limited to 10 for the February 15th - March 1st program, while read-only slots are uncapped.

2011's Fast Track featured many bonus items, including several articles from HokieGreg, some guest pro posters and many pre-release versions of articles from Mersenneary's free heads up poker book.

cidrex's picture
Im new at this website, i

Im new at this website, i have purchased premium acc the last month. Can you give us information about what players did the fastrack 2011 and how they did after that? Thanks

RyPac13's picture
Just posting to let you know

Just posting to let you know this is not being ignored. I'm finding the answer for you. I believe there was some measurable improvement in many of the students, particularly the more active ones, but I want to check specifics with Mers and Hokie before I give you a final answer.

cidrex's picture
Thank you it will be great!

Thank you it will be great!

hokiegreg's picture
@cidrex: I've debated for a

@cidrex:I've debated for a while over how to answer this question. I am not going to promote the FT program by saying "signup for the FT forum and get guaranteed results instantly!" I can't guarantee instant results - there is too much variance over a few thousand games, learning to think about poker theory on a high level is a process and doesn't happen overnight, and most importantly, i can't force a student to maximize his value from the program. Expanding on my last point: Coaching is a 2 way street. The student has to put in quite a bit of work to really get a lot out of it (esp in a forum style setting). I can say for sure that there were plenty of 2011 FT'ers that did not put in anywhere near maximum effort. I can say for sure that there were plenty who did. I can't differentiate between whose samples over the last few months have been positive variance and whose have been from newly acquired skill from FT - and i'm not going to try to. All that I CAN guarantee is that I will put 100% of myself into my responsiblities as a coach. I believe in my coaching ability, and care a lot about my student's long term success. As far as I know, every student that has worked with me in the FastTrack Forum over the 5 months I ran the program came away satisfied with the coaching.I'm happy to give you references. email me at if you would like some reference contacts.Thanks 

hokiegreg's picture
will contact everyone who

will contact everyone who applied tomorrow morning. if <10 of the students who applied accept their full access spot, ill post here and reopen applications for another week or so for any remaining spots.still taking read-only through the beginning of the program (feb 15)thanks