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Mariuse's picture
How to handle swings

Hi, I'm not very experienced in Hyper turbo heads up game. I've been playing 3.50s for some time, but than took a 4 month break and came back with 35$ bankroll to play 1.50s . I know bankroll is too short for a safe game, but i have to play with what i've got. I always had a tilting problems and could never find a way to force my self to think straight when on tilt. Couldn't stop playing as well. Could you share your ways how to handle tilting? I feel it is the number 1 problem why i cannot improve. Share your thought proccess when you are on tilt and trying to win against your instinct to play a game.

tonyzer's picture
hey there. i think the first

hey there. i think the first step to a solution would be identifiying WHAT makes you go on tilt? i have a couple of different reasons why i tend to go on tilt for instance:

1 hunger. (and sometimes i dont even realize im hungry so i make sure i dont eat on an empty stomach)

2. when i make a stupid move.

3.my current overall emotional state

4.downswinging for alot of my bankroll

also i know the feeling when you just cant leave the damn game and are on monkey tilt i used to do this in live games on occasions untill i lost every single dollar i had. it was almost as if i didnt want to leave untill i just lost it all or sucked out huge on someone... in general tilt isnt something that dissapears overnight its a  long term battle.but since you already are in the mindset to combat tilt and are realizing it is one of the main problems of your game that is the most important thing... 

there is a book called mental game of poker by jared tendler. i havent read it but it is specifically about tilt and mindset so maybe you can give it a shot..

My general tips are: 1 staying in good physical shape and excercising regurarly. 2 drinking alot of water and eating while playing. 3 not playing when you dont feel its a good time to play. 4 stop playing as soon as you feel your starting to do mistakes and playing worse, not waiting for it to escalate to catastrophic tilt.,lets say your tilt can be classified by levels 1 2 3  as soon as u hit level 1 tilt just run before u hit the point of no return :) 5 block yourself from playing for 12 hrs or so, pokerstars client offers a way to exclude yourself from playing for various lengths of time using responsible gaming options in requests tab in client.

but in the ends it up to you to get to know yourself and figure it out..

consider tilt just another obstacle in the road to improvement in poker :)

Good Luck!!



kromaboy99's picture
I was myself an easy

I was myself an easy "tilting" player in the past ( few months ago tbh lol) but after my last big downswing due to the combination of bad run AND bad play I decided to take a break and move down to catch confidence again and study . It's also very important at low stakes (where I am also playing) to try to understand where you lose the most part of your money (spots, not believing opponent bets...calling shoves too wide.)

I know it's very difficult not to tilt but you have to know that having AA cracked when you see flops happens more often that you might think..get called until the river with a weak gutshot when you made 2 pairs also happens every day (if you play a lot) so knowing that and being able switch to the next games without thinking(too much) of your previous one is very important!

Good luck

